Definition of Nasal mutation

1. Noun. An alteration of the initial consonant of a word which occurs in certain Celtic languages under particular linguistic circumstances. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Nasal Mutation

nasal duct
nasal feeding
nasal foramen
nasal fossa
nasal ganglion
nasal glands
nasal glioma
nasal haemorrhage
nasal index
nasal irrigation
nasal lavage fluid
nasal margin of frontal bone
nasal meatus
nasal mucosa
nasal muscle
nasal mutation
nasal mutations
nasal myiasis
nasal nerve
nasal notch
nasal obstruction
nasal part of frontal bone
nasal part of pharynx
nasal pharynx
nasal pits
nasal placodes
nasal point
nasal polyp
nasal polyps
nasal process

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